Why You Should Consider A Password Manager
Photo by SasinParaksa Password managers are digital vaults that help create and store passwords for online accounts and are an essential tool for ensuring your online security. Properly using a password manager can simplify your online life and, more importantly, make...
Focusing on the Controllable
Photo by mybaitshop All of us have various concerns in our lives that command our time and energy. However, there is often little if anything that one can do to affect or control these worries. This is especially true in the context of managing one’s personal...
Maximizing Tax Savings with Donor-Advised Funds
Photo by cabania Not only do donor-advised funds allow you to easily make charitable contributions to the organization of your choice, but they also allow many people to further reduce their tax obligations under the new tax laws. Maximizing Tax Savings with...
The Basics of Estate Planning
Photo by woodsy Estate planning matters; you want to ensure that, after your death, your hard-earned assets are distributed to the people or organizations about which you care in an efficient, inexpensive, and tax-advantageous manner. Proper estate planning adds...