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What the Dot-Com Bubble Can Teach Us About Investing Today
Although we cannot know what the future may bring, reflecting on the past will allow us to make better predictions about what is to come. Based on the dot-com bubble era insights, we believe that investors, depending on their financial situations and risk/return...

Flight to Money Funds Is Adding to the Strains on Small Banks
“The bottom line is, deposits were really taken for granted for a very, very long time because of the zero interest rate environment, and now that’s completely changed.” Joseph Plevelich, our senior research analyst is interviewed by Bloomberg regarding the current...

Is it Time to Rethink your Investment Strategy
Most people invested in the markets experienced the pain of bad returns, with the average 60/40 portfolio declining by 17% in 2022. If 2022 were any other year, it would be easy to chalk this up to market volatility, but in our view investors are likely not yet out of...

Fight Climate Change With Your Investments
"A lot of times people own things that they don’t realize they own — things that are at odds with their personal values.” Our portfolio manager and director of ESG research Matthew Blume lends his expertise on mutual funds and ETFs to an article for on how...

Rebooting Capitalism Podcast – ESG Investing with Matthew Blume
In this episode Matthew gives us the lowdown on ESG investing, ESG rated funds, and the various socially responsible investing options.

ABC News 7 – High Inflation milking some costs for local farms
ABC News 7 – Buffalo NY "Reason we think inflation isn't going away anytime soon is because there is a problem a lot of policy makers are not discussing," said Strauss. "The debt to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) ratio of the US economy and global economy is higher than...

Socially Responsive Investing: New Innovative Resources & Ongoing Needs
As an advisor focused on sustainable investing, this expansion in ESG data has allowed us to go even deeper in our understanding of ESG risks and opportunities and has enhanced our ability to customize client portfolios and ensure that they align with client values....

Harvard Business Review – A Beginner’s Guide to SRI
If you’re new to investing and interested in putting your money into causes you care about, socially responsible investing (SRI) may be a good option. Over the past few years, a heightened public focus on issues like the climate crisis and environmental... Read More...

Pekin Hardy Strauss Wealth Management Raises Over $1.1 million to Invest in Chicago
Pekin Hardy Strauss Wealth Management, a Chicago-based independent investment adviser, has partnered with Self-Help Federal Credit Union to provide much-needed capital to underserved neighborhoods in Chicago.

Pekin Hardy Strauss Wealth Management Partners with Self-Help Federal Credit Union on CD Offering
Pekin Hardy Strauss Wealth Management is partnering with Self-Help Federal Credit Union to offer a 24-month, 0.60% interest CD that will provide capital to underserved and under-banked communities in Chicago.

Pekin Hardy Strauss Recognized as a 2019 Best For The World Nominee
CHICAGO, Illinois: Pekin Hardy Strauss Wealth Management, a Chicago-based independent investment adviser, has been recognized by B Lab as a 2019 Best For The World Honoree in the categories of Changemaker and Customers. Pekin Hardy Strauss ranked in the top 10 percent...

Making A Positive Impact
Matthew Blume discusses shareholder advocacy in Financial Advisor Magazine.

Titan Shareholder Advocacy Campaign
A shareholder resolution filed by Pekin Singer Strauss Asset Management, advisor to the Appleseed Fund (APPLX, APPIX), has yielded a commitment from Titan International (TWI) to increase its board diversity. Pekin Singer Strauss, an independent financial advisory firm, requested that Titan, a leading manufacturer of off-road wheels and tires, issue a report outlining specific steps being taken to increase diversity among its board of directors, and an assurance that it will continually assess the effectiveness of those efforts.