401(k) Traditional vs Roth

401(k) Traditional vs Roth

 401(k) plans have grown in popularity over the past few decades and are now the preferred type of employer-sponsored retirement savings plan. Many companies have moved away from defined-benefit plans/pensions in favor of 401(k) plans. Many 401(k) plans provide both...
How Often Should You Update Your Will?

How Often Should You Update Your Will?

A will is a legal document outlining how a person’s assets and property will be distributed after death. While discussing the final wishes of a loved one (or ourselves) can feel morbid, wills are a crucial tool in any financial life planning and will ensure a...
Your Guide to Modern Estate Planning

Your Guide to Modern Estate Planning

We live in a world where change rules. Whether it’s the nature of the economy or the shape of the modern family, society is evolving, and the way we plan for our future will need to evolve too. That’s why estate planning — for everyone, no matter who you are —...
Long-Term Care Insurance: Pitfalls and Advantages

Long-Term Care Insurance: Pitfalls and Advantages

The cost of long-term care has risen materially over the past few decades, creating financial hardship for millions of aging Americans and their families. As the cost of care continues to increase, so too does the need for a sound strategy for managing these potential...