Investing and Markets
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Sustainable Investing in the Trump Era: Challenges and Opportunities
In politics, one thing that can typically be counted on is the “swinging of the...

The Big Debt Debate: Strategies For a Volatile Interest Rate Era Join our portfolio managers as...

10 Predictions for 2025
“In the business world, unfortunately, the rear-view mirror is always clearer than the...

The Fed Cutting Rates in an Inflationary Environment: What It Means for Investors
When the Federal Reserve cuts interest rates because they...

Should I Invest in Nuclear Energy as a Green Investment Strategy
Nuclear energy is an increasingly attractive option for investors looking to...

The Nuclear Energy Renaissance: Our Investment Thesis
“The cure for high prices is high prices. The cure for low prices is low prices.” ─...

Managing Your Money: Is a Recession Looming? Here’s What You need To Know us as our portfolio managers explore what defines a...

The Impact of Rising Interest Rates on Commercial Real Estate
Commercial real estate (CRE) is deeply influenced by the level and trajectory of...

How to Invest in Hard Assets as a Socially Responsible Investor
Investing in hard assets like real estate, precious metals, and natural resources...

Navigating Market Uncertainty During Presidential Elections
“An election is coming. Universal peace is declared, and the foxes have a sincere...

Managing Your Money: Preparing Your Portfolio for the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election us as our portfolio managers discuss the...

Bitcoin ETFs: A Guide to Opportunities and Risks in Cryptocurrency Investments
In the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies, the emergence of Bitcoin...

Managing Your Money: The Pros and Cons of Bitcoin as an Investment us as our portfolio managers...

Decoding AI Investment: Navigating Opportunities and Risks in a Dynamic Landscape
In recent years, the proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI) across various...

The Resurgence of Gold: Understanding Its Recent Price Increase
“Although gold and silver are not by nature money, money is by nature gold and silver.” ...

Managing Your Money: Why Inflation May Be Reaccelerating us as our portfolio managers...

Should I Invest in International Stocks
Decades ago, American investors tended to view the U.S. as the center of the investing...

10 Predictions for 2024
“You can never predict how (the) market will react. You can model it. You may try to...

Variable vs. Fixed Annuities: How to Differentiate the Two
Annuities are among the most common financial products currently available in the...

Managing Your Money: Tips on TIPS – A conversation with IVOL’s Nancy Davis Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities...

Treasury Yield Jitters“I’m still trying to process why long-end...

Why Interest Rates are Rising and Why You Should Care Managing Your Money is a financial video...

Inflation: Did the Fed Win the War or Just the First Battle? Managing Your Money is a financial video...

How to Align Your Investments With Your Values
The notion that “money talks” has been around for thousands of years, and its...

Navigating the AI Bubble Managing Your Money is a...

Commercial Real Estate: Slow Moving Train Wreck? Your Money is a financial...

Betting the House v. 2.0: Buyer Beware unsustainable move, the...

Is There a Credit Crunch Coming? Managing Your Money is a...

Flipping the Playbook on Short-Term Treasuries
“For on one side lay Scylla and on the other divine Charybdis terribly sucked down the...

Why a Passive Investment Strategy Won’t Work in Today’s Financial Climate
The investment landscape is currently undergoing a massive shift. Although it’s true the...

Winter is Coming: Signs of an Impending Recession
“Winter is coming." ─ Ned Stark, “Game of Thrones” In the investment world, “winter” can...

Should I Invest in Real Estate
With rising borrowing costs and low supply, investing in real estate during inflation...

Should I Change My Investment Strategy Now and Invest in Gold?
Gold is a safe haven in times of economic turmoil and uncertainty. Gold is a hard asset...

Should I Invest in Cash
With changes in the financial landscape, you may be wondering how aggressively you...

Should I Invest in Corporate Bonds?
We've all experienced the effects of inflation in one way or another, and whether you...

10 Predictions for 2023
“Only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked” ─ Warren Buffett...

Should I Invest in Stocks?
Should I Invest in Stocks? Investors, and prospective investors, are scanning news...

Should I Invest in Treasury Bonds During Inflation
Should I Invest in Treasury Bonds During Inflation? Few people see the value of...

The U.S. Dollar Wrecking Ball
“When you remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.” ─...

Commodities That Can Help Your Portfolio Hedge Against Inflation
It's impossible to be a consumer these days and not be keenly aware that inflation is at...

When will the Federal Reserve Pivot?
“If you don’t have price stability, the economy is really not going to work the way it’s...

Investing During Interesting Times
“It’s no wonder that truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction has to make sense.” ─ Mark...

How Investors Can Prepare for the Effects of Inflation
Despite Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell’s recent prediction of a cooling in...

2 Investments That Could Be Unreliable During Inflationary Periods
While elevated inflation levels are typically a sign of a healthy economy, they could...

10 Predictions for 2022
“Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same...

The Butterfly Effect: Today’s Supply Chain Shortages
“It fell to the floor, an exquisite thing, a small thing, that could upset balances and...

Is The Current Inflation Going To Be Transitory Or Persistent?
“Most of the recent rise in inflation appears likely to be transitory, and FOMC...

Investing with Your Values
While a company’s financial performance is obviously a major factor in determining its...

The Guns and Butter Era Redux
“Viewed in the abstract, the Federal Reserve System had the power to abort the inflation...

Is There Such a Thing as Investing the Right Way?
There is no shortage of opinions pertaining to investing the right way. Depending on who...

Understanding the Obstacles to Socially Responsible Investing
Socially responsible investing (SRI) has exploded in popularity in recent years and is...

Value or Growth: Which Investment Strategy Works Best?
The approaches investors use to grow their investment portfolio are varied and sometimes...

What You Need to Know Before Investing in Emerging Markets
In recent years, emerging markets have become an alternative for investors who want to...

Is Now the Right Time to Invest in Commodities? Maybe.
This past year has been a roller-coaster ride for many investors. Domestic stocks...

A Conversation with Jim Grant
As a follow up to our most recent quarterly commentary, Investing in an Era of Low Yield...

Investing Ideas in an Era of Low Yield Bonds
“Deadly Charybdis—can’t I possibly cut and run from her And still fight Scylla off when...

Playing the Long Game: Value Investing in the Modern Age
“Buy low, sell high” is every investor’s mantra, though it’s rarely as simple as it...

Presidents and Their Impact on the Stock Market
“It’s the economy, stupid!” ─ James Carville The reputations for presidents in the...

Want to Practice Social Impact Investing? Try These 3 Tips
When you purchase stock or other forms of equity, you’re providing financial support to...

Why It’s Time to Own Gold
“Gold gives to the ugliest thing a certain charming air, for that without it were else a...

The Coronavirus Impact – Deflation And Then Inflation
“There are decades where nothing happens, and there are weeks when decades happen.” ─...

10 Predictions for the Next 10 Years
Photo by railwayfx “The future ain’t what it used to be.” − Yogi Berra, Baseball Hall of...

Investing in Uncertain Times
Photo by JackF “Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon...

Which Is Correct — the Stock Market or the Bond Market?
Photo by tamayura39“Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am...

What Does a Chicago Bankruptcy or an Illinois Bankruptcy End Game Look Like?
Photo by shellybychowskishots “How did you go bankrupt?’” Bill asked. "Two ways," Mike...

The Impact of Inverted Yield Curves
Photo by duncanandison “Those who have knowledge, don't predict. Those who predict,...

Why Has the Stock Market Become So Volatile?
Photo by “Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn’t mean...

Why Emerging Market Stocks Look Attractive
Photo by Creativa Images “My broker at Citigroup told me to look through this Korean...

How To Invest In An Era Of $100 Trillion Financial Obligations
Photo by Georgios Kollidas “The four most expensive words in the English language are...

Trade War Investment Risks
Photo by freshidea “In 1930, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, in an...

Party Like It’s 1999
Photo by Yogesh “I was dreamin' when I wrote this, forgive me if it goes astray. But...

Fixed Annuities
Photo by SecondSide Fixed annuities are complicated, expensive products that are...

The New Age of Monopoly
Photo by aleciccotelli This is an upsetting event to all of us here at United... I...

Four Reasons Why President Trump Wants a Weak Dollar
I think our dollar is getting too strong, and partially that’s my fault because people...

Trade Protectionism: A Balancing (of Payments) Act
Photo by chungking “The more troublous the times, the worse does a laissez-faire system...

The Navigator – Disability Insurance
Photo by richardlyons Disability insurance is a powerful but often overlooked risk...

Fundamentals Will Trump Bullish Sentiment Over The Long-Term
Photo by Gajus “Get the fundamentals down and the level of everything you do will rise.”...

Variable Annuities
Photo by zimmytws Variable annuities are highly complex financial instruments that,...

Bloodletting and Monetary Policy
“In March 1853 she was afflicted with a pain in the chest; her tongue seemed to be...

The Active (Value) Investor’s Manifesto
Photo by jayzynism. “I’m convinced that everything that’s important in investing is...

Green Bonds: Impact Investing with Fixed Income
Photo by kanachaifoto The financial services industry is constantly developing new...

Value vs Growth and the Path to Monetary Normalization
Photo by cacaroot. "In economics, things take longer to happen than you think they will,...

King Dollar and the impact on the global monetary system
Photo by alexmillos. "I'm the straw that stirs the drink." - Reggie Jackson (a.k.a., Mr....

Our Asset Management Principles
Photo by Sirius125. "The most realistic distinction between the investor and the...